I went out and drank too much. Perhaps because I know I won't be drinking for awhile.
Anyway, I threw up before I went too bed and had a raging headache in the morning. That confirmed my resolution to do a detox!
So, after I managed to climb out of bed and into the shower, I ate two fiber pills, to kick off the detox. There's this herbal tea, a mild laxative called Smooth Move, that you are supposed to drink in the morning and evening for fiber, but I couldn't think about drinking tea because my stomach was still a little queasy. The pills were sugar-free and they appealed more to me at the moment than tea.
As I chewed the orange-flavored fiber pills, it occurred to me that this was the last solid thing I was to eat, until the following Saturday. Kind of depressing.
I mixed my first Master Cleanse and tasted it. Very spicy (the cayenne pepper) but not too hot. Not too sweet either. It was good and tasted like spicy lemonade. I felt clean drinking it. But I also really wanted a latte.
I worked all day at the mall. I have a weekend job showing movie previews to random shoppers. The hunger came in waves, every couple hours. But it wasn't too awful, because I drank the spicy lemonade whenever I felt like it, which does have some calories. I had a 32 ounce Nalgene filled with the mixture.
I became depressed again when I realized I couldn't go home and have a nice dinner with a couple beers. But I wasn't obsessing over it; I just accepted that I would go home and drink more of the mixture (I had another 32 ounce bottle in the fridge) and also, have a cup of the Poop Tea.
My nose was running a lot and I think that was because of the cayenne pepper. Oh, and I had a diet coke. No need to go cold turkey with the caffeine, especially not when you're giving movie surveys to people all day and need to at least appear cheerful.
One of my coworkers, an 18-year-old high school student, had a hard time understanding the scope of the detox, because every hour he would suddenly ask another question about it:
"Wait, you're just going to drink that stuff and not eat anything at all?"
"So, you're not even going to drink, like, beer or any alcohol? That sucks. What's the point of that?"
"What about pot? Pot's natural, I bet you could smoke pot." (I'm not really in the habit of smoking pot, but it was nice of him to consider the options available to me).
Oh, I didn't weigh or measure myself today. One, because I don't have measuring tape. And two, because I was in slow-motion hangover mode this morning and just didn't care.
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