Sunday, January 14, 2007

Master Cleanse: The End

Ok, since I'm being honest, here's how it ended: On Day 7, around 3 pm, I cracked. I was so bored and hungry at work, so I started eating Kashi. Yeah, great way to break the detox! You're supposed to go easy on your stomach and just have soup.

But my stomach loved the solid food-it was making a lot of noise, but I didn't throw up or feel ill. My heart started beating really fast though! I had tons of energy.

It was funny eating the cereal. It tasted so amazing and I never wanted to stop.

Anyway, 7 days of not eating is quite enough for me! I'm back on solid food now, and doing totally fine. Although, I'm eating less than normal, because my stomach is smaller. I also think my metabolism might have increased, because I'm hungry all the time.

Here's what I've eaten since breaking the detox; this is Friday night and all of Saturday

-FINally had the latte I'd been craving
-Cucumbers with fat-free ranch dressing
-A small bowl of cooked Spinach, tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese and cayenne pepper
-Half a plain bagel with plain cream cheese
-A handful of peanut M&Ms, heheh
-Snacked on rice/soy crackers and a few slices of fat-free American cheese (yeah, I know, it's bad for me-whatever).


Unknown said...

Oh no. The whole point of doing this diet is to change your eating habits and not be controlled by cravings such as coffee or sugar. We are consantly feeling drained and only rely on sugar and coffee to give us energy. Hence the point of detoxing. Any one who is trying this diet, do not have coffee or bad food for a while. ESPECIALLY not the first day back after quiting the cleanse. Otherwise purpose is defeated. Don't sabatoge all of theat hard work.

estherrosenfield said...

The point of the master cleanse in my opinion is to cleanse your system and alleviate cravings.. to a degree. Everyone should be allowed to cheat now and then. If you don't, you're going to have pent up frustration & most likely do a lot worse damage when you start to binge eat. Her diet doesn't sound TOO bad for after the cleanse, but I would suggest next time preparing stuff in advance for the ease-out days, so the bad foods aren't so tempting. You can go to to find out more info on the diet for next time!

Margaret said...

On day 23 of my juice cleanse. Going to go between 30-40 days. Glad I found your blog to read what others have to say.